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The Swails / Swales / Swailes Family History

Charles "Conrad" Bowersox

Family summary:

Name (/born) Relative Name (/born)
Charles "Conrad" Bowersox - ?? Father??
Wife(?)Mary Elizabeth Pennebaker, 10/11/1866

It is possible that Conrad Bowersox was married (or with) Mary Elizabeth Pennebaker after William Sylvester Swails left her. He has apparently been referred to as a "step-grandfather" by one of Mary's daughters (see story below).

[Story: Burned in a Wildfire]
Elizabeth Jane Colyer told the story that as a child she and some other grandchildren were visiting their grandmother and step-grandfather when he sustained burns which led to his death.
He was burning some brush and turned his back to the fire to get warm when he caught on fire.
They put him to bed and he died shortly after.
A newspaper article reported he had gotten burned in a wildfire.

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