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The Swails / Swales / Swailes Family History

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Charles "Lloyd" Swails

Family Summary:

Name (/born) Relative Name (/born)
Charles "Lloyd" Swails FatherWilliam Sylvester Swails
MotherMary Elizabeth Pannebaker Swails
Wife(?)Ruth Confer / / died during childbirth
SonJames "Victor"
WifeAnna Gay Snook, 1/11/1898
Daughter(2)Mary C.

Lloyd Swails
Lloyd Swails

Lloyd Swales
Lloyd Swales

Lloyd had a son with Ruth Confer who died during childbirth while Lloyd was serving in Europe.

The child was named James "Victor". He was cared for by his grandmother Mary Bowersox. Later he was raised by his father and step-mother

Victor was a medic in the Navy, and was stationed at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked.

Lloyd married Anna Gay Snook.
Anna was born 11, Jan, 1898 and died 1, March 1967.

They had four children

Mary C

Mary C. married 10, August 1946 John "Jack" Hanna, son of Albert Perry and Jesse Rich Hanna.
Jack died 19, Jan. 2017


[Story: Battlefield Appearance]
Lloyd's sister Carrie went to meet him at the train when he returned from the war.
She needed to tell him that his girlfriend, Ruth Confer, had died while giving birth to their son, James Victor.
Lloyd told her he knew because, he said "she had appeared to him on the battlefield".

Lloyd's sister Edna married John Snook, brother to his wife Anna.


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