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The Swails / Swales / Swailes Family History

Edna Irene Swails

Family Summary:

Name (/born) Relative Name (/born)
Edna Irene Swails
FatherWilliam Sylvester Swails, Sept. 23, 1870
MotherMary Elizabeth (Lizzie) Pannebaker, Oct 11, 1866
SisterCarrie Ruth, Mar 21, 1895
BrotherCharles (Lloyd), Mar 2, 1897
Husband(1)John Wesley Snook
Child(1)Jay Lloyd, 1919
Child(3)Mildred "Virginia", Dec 3, 1927
Husband(2)Calvin Berry, 1904

Edna Irene Swails was born around 1900-1901, and she died in 1983.

In 1910, Edna is living in Turbett, Juniata Pa. with her mother Mary and Mary's other three children.

In 1920, Edna is listed as still living with her mother, then named Mary E. Bowersox (Mary E. ?????), and Conrad Bowersox, her son Jay L. Snook, and Edna's son Lloyd's child James (Victor Swails).

Edna married John Wesley Snook, and they had three children:
  Jay Lloyd, born in 1919, married Goldie. He died in Pine, Giola, Arizona.
  Mildred "Virginia", born December 3, 1927

Virginia married Robert Elwood Pryor, born 23 Mar 1927 in Duboisetown, Lycoming City, Penna. Robert, the son of Elmer Rantz and Erma Alberta Sholder Pryor, died 6 Jan 1997 in Augusta, Georgia.

Edna married her second husband, Calvin Berry, who was born in 1904.

Note: We have found very little information on Edna Irene Swails. In fact, most of the information contained on this page has been taken from the information found on records located for other people, especially her relatives. If you have any information on Edna, or on any other members of the Swails family tree, please contact the originator of this site at the email address provided at the bottom of the page.

Thank you in advance for any information you can provide.

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